ATO’s New Employment Tax Approach: What Does It Mean?


In the early months of 2024, there has been a noticeable change in the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) approach to handling employment-related taxes. This shift, primarily driven by an increase in non-compliance cases, prompts important considerations and its ramifications for Australian businesses.

Dive deeper into this evolving landscape to grasp the essence of this intensified scrutiny, comprehend the underlying motivations, and strategize effectively to fulfill your obligations.


The ATO’s Vigilance on Employment Taxes

The ATO has subtly amplified its scrutiny through enhanced auditing procedures aimed at verifying the accuracy of financial records. While the Random Enquiry Program (REP) traditionally focused on assessing income tax compliance, it now extends its scope to include audits on various employment-related taxes such as:

  • Fringe benefits tax (FBT)
  • PAYG Withholding
  • Payroll
  • Superannuation contributions

This broadened spectrum of audits represents a significant departure from previous practices, marking a notable shift in the ATO’s approach.


The Rationale Behind ATO’s Enforcement

At its core, this crackdown serves as a vital mechanism to ensure businesses adhere to their lodgement and record-keeping obligations. It underscores the imperative of maintaining precise financial records to facilitate accurate tax payments within stipulated timelines. Notably, emphasis is placed on areas like fringe benefits and PAYG Withholding, which historically have witnessed lapses in meticulous reporting.

This initiative gains further relevance amidst Australia’s post-Covid-19 recovery phase, characterized by a surge in instances where businesses struggled to fulfill their financial obligations.


Implications for Australian Businesses

While the ATO’s objective isn’t punitive, businesses operating with outdated or inaccurate financial records may find themselves facing challenges, particularly concerning their ability to settle tax liabilities promptly or submit requisite documents on time. Non-compliance could result in substantial penalties, potentially exceeding $700,000 in certain cases.


Navigating Compliance Challenges

In light of the ATO’s random and comprehensive audits, refining bookkeeping practices and tax preparation strategies assumes paramount importance for businesses. In the event of an audit, the ATO is likely to request detailed records pertaining to PAYG Withholding,, fringe benefits, and other employee-related expenses, necessitating meticulous documentation of salaries and super contributions.

While some industry pundits view this intensified scrutiny as resource-intensive, they advocate for proactive measures such as conducting pre-audits to preemptively address any discrepancies. Being prepared for potential audits and voluntarily sharing relevant information about your business can significantly enhance your position in such situations.


Partnering with Experienced Tax Advisors

Collaborating with seasoned chartered accountants well-versed in both state and national tax regulations can provide invaluable support to businesses navigating these complex compliance landscapes. Glance Consultants offer dependable, long-term assistance, ensuring you remain well-prepared to meet every tax-related obligation efficiently and effectively.

Glance Consultants March Newsletter 2024

Stage 3 tax cuts: A tax saving opportunity?

Legislation giving effect to the government’s revised settings for the Stage 3 tax cuts has been passed by both houses of Parliament with the support of the Coalition.


The stage 3 tax cuts changes:

■ reduce the 19% tax rate to 16% for incomes between $18,200 and $45,000
■ reduce the 32.5% tax rate to 30% for incomes between $45,000 and the new $135,000 threshold
■ increase the threshold at which the 37% tax rate applies from $120,000 to $135,000, and
■ increase the threshold at which the 45% tax rate applies from $180,000 to $190,000.


A permanent tax saving

Many taxpayers and their advisers focus on timing issues around year-end by deferring income and bringing forward deductions. Legitimate steps can be taken to shift taxable income from one year to the next and most people would prefer to pay tax next year rather than this year. However, any benefit gained reverses in the following year when you have to do it all again just to stand still. It’s a lot of effort for a once-off timing advantage.

The difference with the 1 July 2024 tax rate changes is that reducing your taxable income in 2023-24 and increasing it in 2024 25 (where it is taxed at a lower rate) produces a permanent saving over the two- year period – a saving you get to keep. That may make such timing issues worth another look.


How much can you save?

That depends on your where you sit on the income scales and how much taxable income is shifted. Very high income earners will have a marginal tax rate of 45% regardless of whether they shift income and deductions around, and those on lower incomes don’t pay much tax to begin with, so their potential savings are less.

But for anyone who expects to fall in the taxable income range of $120,000 to $135,000, for example, there is a permanent saving of 7% on up to $15,000 in taxable income that is shifted from 2023-24 into 2024-25.

Take someone in that income range who owns a rental property which is in need of a $15,000 paint job and who was planning to get it done by Christmas. They could save themselves $1,050 by arranging to have the job done in May or June. Not a fortune, but not chickenfeed either.


So, how can you go about shifting taxable income into 2024-25? 

Before looking at various options, it is necessary to point out that the tax laws include anti-avoidance rules that prevent tax planning strategies which have as their sole or dominant purpose the gaining of a tax advantage. However, if you are simply bringing forward ordinary business-related purchases that you would have made anyway, those rules are unlikely to be triggered. To make certain you stay on the right side of the tax rules you should check with us before taking any action.


Bringing deductions forward

Subject to that necessary reservation, and depending on your expected taxable income, bringing deductions forward into the 2023-24 income year offers the widest range of options for achieving a permanent tax saving. Bear in mind that bringing purchases forward does involve an earlier than planned cashflow impact that you would need to fund. Options include:


Rental properties

If you have a rental property that is in need of any sort of maintenance or repairs, why not get on to it now? You’ll be bringing the deduction into 2023-24 and keeping your tenants happy at the same time. There can sometimes be a fine line between repairs (deductible immediately) and improvements (deductible over time). We can help you sort out which is which.


Gifts and donations

If you have a tradition of gifting and donating, maybe to telethons and appeals that occur later in the year, consider making those donations to the charities before the end of June 2024. Charities are more than happy to receive donations at any time of the year, and if the taxman can give it an extra boost, why not? Double check that your chosen charity is a deductible gift recipient.



Consider making after-tax contributions into your super fund. But be mindful of contribution caps and the additional 15% tax on contributions made by high income earners. You should seek financial advice prior to taking any action.


Sole traders and partnerships

Do you have a small business which you operate through your own name or in partnership? Consider some of these possibilities:

Depreciation: Could you do with a new laptop or other tools and equipment? Or even a modest motor vehicle? Legislation that is expected to pass Parliament before 30 June 2024 will set the small business threshold for claiming an outright deduction for the cost of depreciating assets to $20,000. If you’re planning to make these purchases anyway, you would be better off with that sort of deduction falling into the 2023-24 year where the tax rate is higher. So consider paying a visit to JB Hi-fi, Bunnings or the nearest car yard and start looking around.

Bad debts: Have a receivable you know isn’t going to pay, but you just haven’t wanted to admit it? Consider writing it off and take the deduction now. But remember, the debt must be more than simply doubtful and there are certain other requirements which must be met. We can help you with those.

Obsolete stock: Is that box of polaroid cameras really going to move anywhere other than to a museum? Write it out of stock before 30 June 2024 and take the deduction.

Bring forward deductible expenses: Buying two boxes of printer paper? Buy three instead. Stock up on printer ink, you never know when you’re going to have that big print run you hadn’t anticipated. Consider what other consumables you use and stock up for your short-term needs before 30 June 2024.

Prepay deductible expenditure: All taxpayers are entitled to claim deductible prepaid expenditure where the expenditure is below $1,000 (excluding GST) or the expenditure is required by law (e.g., car registration fees). Where the expenditure is $1,000 or more, small business entities can deduct the full amount of prepaid expenditure if it relates to a period of 12 months or less. Note that this is also available to non-business expenditure of individuals (e.g., work-related expenses or rental property expenses).

Employee bonuses: Confirm commitments to pay employee bonuses are made by 30 June 2024, and don’t forget that PAYG withholding must be withheld when the bonuses are paid.

Skills and training: Take advantage of the small business entity skills and training boost before it ends on 30 June 2024. The Boost enables small businesses to deduct an additional 20% of expenditure that is incurred for the provision of eligible external training courses to their employees by registered providers in Australia.

Energy incentive: Take advantage of the small business entity energy incentive which provides a bonus deduction of 20%. Eligible assets include heat pumps and electric heating or cooling systems, and demand management assets such as batteries or thermal energy storage. Eligible assets or upgrades will need to be first used or installed ready for use by 30 June 2024.

Note: this incentive is provided for in the same Bill as the $20,000 instant asset write-off provisions, which is currently before Parliament and is expected to pass before 30 June 2024.


Deferring income

Options for shifting income into the 2024-25 year are more limited, but include:


Salary sacrifice

Consider salary sacrificing into super before 30 June 2024. As mentioned above, be mindful of the contribution caps, the additional tax for higher income earners and seek financial advice before taking any action.



Ensure term deposits mature after 30 June 2024.

We are here to help you work through any of these options.


Don’t forget the CGT small business rollover

For those who run a “small business” and decide to sell it, the various Capital Gain Tax (CGT) small business concessions are invaluable (as has been noted many times before).


Of course, it is great if you can qualify for the “15-year exemption” concession because this will mean that you won’t have to pay any CGT. But this requires, among other things, that you are aged 55 years or over and are “retiring in connection” with the sale, something that may just not be the case.

But if this is not the case, you may still be able to use the retirement exemption to eliminate up to $500,000 of capital gain.

However, if you are under 55 years of age at the time of the sale of the business then any qualifying capital gain must be paid into your super. You cannot take it directly. On the other hand, if you are 55 years or older you can take it directly without having to pay it into super and spend it as you wish.

But like the “15-year exemption” there are a number of hoops to jump through, especially if the capital gain has been made by a company or family trust you control. And these hoops relate to making the payment of the CGT exempt amount to you in the appropriate manner.

As a last resort, you can use the roll-over in the CGT small business concessions to acquire a replacement asset. However, if a replacement asset is not acquired within two years then the capital gain is reinstated and taxed at that time.

But this concession is far more than “a last resort”.

In fact, it is a significant (and acceptable) planning device in its own right. Furthermore, it can be used from the start in relation to the whole of the capital gain so that all its benefits can be fully utilised.

And these benefits include the ability to defer the assessment of the gain for up to two years to, say, allow time for you to turn 55 years of age so that you can then use the retirement exemption to take the capital gain CGT-free.

It can also be used to buy you time to meet other relevant conditions to qualify for the retirement exemption – so that when the rolled over gain is reinstated after two years you can then apply the retirement exemption to your benefit. This may be relevant where, for example, the capital gain was made by a family trust, and you need to find a “controller”of the trust in order to use the exemption.

And if nothing else, the rollover can give you an extra two years just to think what you are going to do about things, including whether just to do the obvious and buy a replacement business asset (of any type) in the meantime.

So, once again, the advice of your accountant is invaluable in the matter of whether to buy a replacement asset or when (and how) it is best to realise your capital gain.


Super contribution caps to increase on 1 July

For the first time in three years, the superannuation contributions are set to increase from 1 July 2024.



Due to indexation, the contribution caps will increase on 1 July 2024 as follows:

■ Concessional contributions cap – from $27,000 to $30,000

■ Non-concessional contributions cap – from $110,000 to $120,000

■ The maximum non-concessional contributions cap under the bring forward rules – from $330,000 to $360,000



Concessional contributions (CC) are before-tax contributions and are generally taxed at 15%. This is the most common type of contribution individuals receive as it includes superannuation guarantee (SG) payments your employer makes into your fund on your behalf. Other types of CCs include salary sacrifice contributions and tax-deductible personal contributions.

The government sets limits on how much money you can add to your superannuation each year. Currently, the annual CC cap is $27,500 in 2023/24.



Non-concessional contributions (NCC) are voluntary contributions you can make from your after-tax dollars. For example, you may wish to make extra contributions using funds from your bank account or other savings.

As such, NCCs are an after-tax contribution because your employer has already taken out the tax you need to pay on your income. Currently, the annual NCC cap is $110,000 in 2023/24.



The bring forward rules apply to NCCs and allow you to make up to three years of NCCs in a single financial year, if you’re eligible. This means you can put in up to three times the annual cap of $110,000, which means you may be able to top up your superannuation by $330,000 within the same financial year.

Using the bring forward rules can be beneficial for individuals who have a large amount of cash to contribute which may have come from an inheritance or from the sale of an asset/property.

However, how much you can make as a NCC will depend on your total superannuation balance (TSB) as at 30 June of the previous financial year (see table below).



In addition to the contribution caps increasing, the maximum NCC cap under the bring forward rules will also increase on 1 July 2024.

The table below shows the TSB thresholds that apply to determine how much you can contribute under the bring forward rules.



The increase to the NCC cap under the bring forward rules will not apply to individuals who have already triggered the bring forward rule in either this year (2023/24) or last year (2022/23) and are still in their bring forward period. This is because the NCC cap that applies to an individual is calculated with reference to the standard NCC cap when they triggered the bring forward rule in their first year.

For example, if the NCC cap in the second and third year of a bring forward period changed to $120,000 due to indexation, your NCC cap will still be $330,000 ($110,000 x 3 years) and not $350,000 ($110,000 + $120,000 + $120,000).

For this reason, if you want to maximise your NCCs using the bring forward rule, you may wish to consider restricting your NCCs this year to $110,000 or less so you do not trigger the bring forward rule this year.

However, how much you can contribute and whether your fund is allowed to accept your contribution can depend on your age, your TSB and other eligibility criteria. The rules are complex and making contributions to superannuation that exceed the contribution caps can result in excess tax.

Give us a call if you need any further information or would like to chat about your options.


Briefing a barrister

When you’re faced with a complex or high-risk question in tax or super, briefing a barrister can provide you with the expertise and perspective to help you move towards a solution with confidence.


Barristers (who are also referred to as “counsel”) are independent specialists in court work and legal advice. There are specialist barristers across Australia in tax, super and associated areas of law.

This includes “King’s Counsel” or “Senior Counsel”, who are barristers of seniority and eminence.

The barristers who practice in tax and super will particularly be familiar with the ATO, and also the decision-making approaches of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) and the Federal Court of Australia.


Why brief a barrister?

Although barristers are best known for their courtroom advocacy, that’s only part of what they offer. Barristers, through their training, experience and networks, are intimately familiar with the decision-making processes and reasoning of courts and tribunals. When barristers address complex and high-risk legal questions, they provide precise advice and practical solutions guided by how laws are interpreted and applied by courts and tribunals in practice.

You may consider briefing a barrister to provide advice on high-risk or high-value matters, or when you have limited time to answer a complex question. In those situations, it’s prudent to obtain specialist advice to ensure you fulfill your duties.

A barrister’s expertise and objectivity will provide you with confidence as to the best approach in the circumstances.


Who can brief a barrister?

Anyone can brief a barrister. There are broadly two ways you can do it:

■ directly (where you brief a barrister without engaging a solicitor), or

■ indirectly (where you engage a solicitor and instruct them to brief a barrister).

Directly briefing a barrister (which is also referred to as “direct access” briefing) can provide you with cost and efficiency benefits. Generally, barristers are less expensive than solicitors of equivalent experience.

Barristers are not obliged to take direct briefs, but many do. Barristers may directly give legal advice and may prepare and advise on certain legal documents (in addition to their dispute-related work).

Importantly, barristers can be directly briefed to appear in the AAT.

There are slightly different rules in each Australian state and territory on the types of work that barristers can and can’t do, and the circumstances in which you can directly brief a barrister. Generally, barristers are not permitted to undertake work traditionally performed only by solicitors, such as conducting general correspondence or other administrative tasks in relation to the client’s legal affairs.

In some circumstances, barristers who have been directly briefed may later request that their client also engage a solicitor. This will occur where the absence of an instructing solicitor would seriously prejudice the client’s interests (for example, where a solicitor is needed to help the client gather large amounts of evidence).


Who should you brief? 

As a starting point, the bar associations of each state and territory maintain a website where you can view and search the profiles of every barrister in that jurisdiction. On those websites, you’ll be able to identify the barristers who practice in tax and super and view their background, experience level and contact details. Just search for “bar association” in your state or territory.

If you’ve engaged a solicitor, they’ll be able to recommend a good barrister. If you want to brief directly, but you don’t know who to brief, you can obtain guidance from barristers’ clerks. The clerks act like an agent for a large group of barristers. The clerks have familiarity with the expertise, experience and availability of each barrister. The clerks’ contact details are also on the bar association websites.


Preparing a brief

Historically, a “brief” was a comprehensive set of papers given to a barrister to enable them to appear, advise, or draft or settle documents (as the case may be). Today, barristers are more versatile in what they receive from clients (and how they receive it).

If you’ve directly briefed a barrister, you should first speak to them about the nature and form of documents and information they require you to provide. For example, where you require tax advice on a legal question, your barrister may (depending on the circumstances) ask you to provide the following types of documents and information:

■ questions upon which you require legal advice

■ timeframes for the provision of that advice

■ identity of all parties involved in the subject matter of the advice

■ chronology of key events, and

■ key correspondence, contracts and other documents.

Barristers will also have their eye on ensuring their advice is commercially acceptable. For this reason, it is useful to also inform them about:

■ your purpose for engaging in relevant activities, and

■ any commercial issues likely to influence your preferred approach.


Some tips

If you’re going to brief a barrister, you should keep these tips in mind:

■ Brief early: This will give your barrister the opportunity to read the brief, understand your circumstances and seek out any further information.

■ Brief clearly: Precisely communicating what you want from your barrister (and when, how and why you want it) will provide you with the best outcome.

■ Brief orderly: Where you need to provide lots of documents, speak to your barrister about the form and categorisation in which they prefer to receive, store and use them.

Barristers offer you legal expertise from a practical perspective. You should visit the website for the bar association in your state or territory if you want further information about the role of barristers or if you want to find a barrister to help you.




Click to view our Glance Consultants March 2024 newsletter via PDF




Superannuation contribution caps to increase from 1 July 2024


The Federal Government has announced some key changes to the superannuation system that will take effect from 1 July 2024.

Key changes include an increase in the concessional and non-concessional contribution caps, the bring forward caps, and the total superannuation balance thresholds that apply to determine the maximum amount of bring forward non-concessional contributions available to members.


Concessional and non-concessional contribution caps

The announcement includes an increase in the standard concessional and non-concessional contribution caps, which determine how much money can be put into super each year with lower tax rates.

The concessional contribution cap, which applies to employer and salary-sacrificed contributions, as well as personal contributions claimed as a tax deduction, will increase from $27,500 to $30,000. This can mean that superannuation fund members can reduce their taxable income by contributing more to their super.

The non-concessional contribution cap (NCC), which applies to after-tax contributions, will increase from $110,000 to $120,000. This can mean that superannuation fund members can add more to their superannuation balance from their own savings or inheritances, without paying extra tax.

This is the first time the contribution caps have been increased in three years.


Non-concessional contribution cap and the bring forward rule

The increase to the NCC cap under the bring forward rules will not apply to clients who have already triggered the “bring forward rule” in either this income year (ending 30 June 2024) or last year (ended 30 June 2023). Both of these income years are still within their bring forward period.

From 1 July 2024, the maximum NCC cap under the bring forward rules will be increased from $330,000 to $360,000 (which is three times $120,000).

Members wanting to maximise their NCCs using the bring forward rule may want to consider keeping any NCCs this year (ending 30 June 2024) under the current $110,000 limit. Then after 1 July 2024, trigger the bring forward rule with the higher $360,000 limit, which could allow a member to get an additional $30,000 of NCC into their superannuation fund.

We note that the NCC bring forward rule is available to members that are under age 75 (67 prior to 1 July 2022), which means that individuals under age 75 in the income year in which they make a NCC can bring forward up to three times their annual NCC, provided that they meet the relevant conditions.


Total superannuation balance

Another change is the limit for total superannuation balance and transfer balance for members with no existing pension. The total superannuation balance is the amount of money a person has in all their super accounts, while the transfer balance is the amount of money a person can move from their super account to a retirement income stream, such as an account-based pension.

From 1 July 2024, the total superannuation balance (TSB) thresholds, used to determine the maximum amount of bring-forward NCCs available to an individual, will be adjusted as follows:



Glance Consultants February 2024 Newsletter

Compensation from your bank or financial institution – is it taxable?

Unfortunately our financial institutions have not always acted as ethically as we consumers would like.

Whether you’ve received bad advice or paid for advice you didn’t receive at all, our supervisory and regulatory bodies have sought not only to improve the system so it won’t happen again, but also to ensure that if you are on the receiving end of such bad behaviour, you could be entitled to receive financial restitution.

If you’ve recently received a compensation payment, you might be wondering whether you need to pay tax on it.

The answer is – it depends!

It depends on how your investment was held1 and the type of compensation you received.

For example, if you’ve disposed of the investment and previously reported a capital gain in your income tax return, your compensation payment increases the capital gain (you may be able to claim the 50% discount too if you held the investment for more than 12 months). You may need to amend your income tax return to include this additional capital gain.

If you haven’t yet disposed of the investment, and you hold it as a capital investment1, then the compensation payment reduces its cost for when you do dispose of it in the future (make sure keep details of the compensation payment with your tax
records to provide to us later). Where your compensation payment includes an amount that is a refund or reimbursement of adviser fees, and these fees were previously claimed a tax deduction by you, then the amount you received as a refund or reimbursement will generally be taxable to you in the income year you receive it. Similarly, any part of the payment that represents interest should also be included in your tax return in the year you receive it.

If you’ve received an amount of compensation and not sure whether it is taxable, or if you need to amend a prior year tax return for a payment you received, please reach out to us.


Tax issues when dealing with volunteers

From bushfire relief groups, sporting clubs, environmental groups, charity associations and many more, volunteers are an indispensable workforce and support network for many organisations. For most, if not all, having volunteers ready to lend a hand is pivotal in them being able to function or survive.

Given that there are many hundreds of volunteers propping up all sorts of good works throughout the nation, and in the spirit of thorough tax planning, an important practical consideration for many may be if payments to volunteers constitute assessable income and whether their expenses are tax deductible.


There is no common law definition of “volunteer” for tax purposes, although it typically means someone who enters into any service of their own free will, or who offers to perform a service or undertaking.

A genuine volunteer does not work under a contractual obligation for remuneration, and would not be an employee or an independent contractor.

Volunteers can be paid in cash, given non-cash benefits or a combination of both – payments include honorariums, reimbursements and allowances. Generally, receipts which are earned, expected, relied upon and have an element of periodicity, recurrence or regularity are treated as assessable income.

Conversely, where a person’s activities are a pastime or hobby – rather than income-producing – money
and other benefits received from those activities are generally not perceived as assessable income.

The examples below shed light on whether typical payments such as honorariums, reimbursements and allowances constitute assessable income.


An honorarium is either an honorary reward for voluntary services, or a fee for professional services voluntarily rendered, and can be paid in money or property.

Example 1

Q. Alex works as a computer programmer at the local city council and volunteers as a referee for the local rugby union. This year he organised an accreditation course for new referees. He applied for a grant, arranged advertising, assembled course materials, and booked venues. Alex is awarded an honorarium of $100 for his efforts.

A. No, the honorarium is not assessable income as honorary rewards for voluntary services are not assessable as income and related expenses are not deductible.

Example 2

Q. Mindy has an accounting practice and volunteers at the local art gallery. Mindy prepares the gallery’s annual report using her business’s software and equipment.At the gallery’s annual general meeting, Mindy is awarded an honorarium of $800 in appreciation of her services.

A. Yes, this honorarium constitutes assessable income because it is a reward for services connected to her income-producing activities.


A reimbursement is precise compensation, in part or full, for an expense already incurred, even if the expense has not yet been paid. A payment is more likely to be a reimbursement where the recipient is required to substantiate expenses and/or refund unspent amounts.

Example 3

Q. Matthew is an electrical contractor. He volunteers to mow the yard of a local not-for-profit childcare centre. Matthew purchases a $15 spare part for the centre’s mower. The childcare centre reimburses Matthew for the cost of the spare part.

A. No, the $15 reimbursement is not assessable income because Matthew has not made the payment in the course of his enterprise as an electrician.

Example 4

Q. Rose has a gardening business. She volunteers to prune the shrubs of a local nursing home and uses materials from her business’s trading stock.

A. Yes, any reimbursement she receives for the cost of the materials is assessable income because the supplies were made in the course of her enterprise.


An allowance is a definite predetermined amount to cover an estimated expense. It is paid even if the recipient does not spend the full amount.

Example 5

Q. Andy volunteers as a telephone counsellor for a crisis centre. He is rostered on night shifts during the week and is occasionally called in on weekends. When Andy works weekends, the centre pays him an allowance of $150. The allowance is paid to acknowledge Andy’s extra efforts and to compensate him for additional costs incurred.

A: Yes, these payments to Andy are considered assessable income because he received the allowance with no regard to actual expenses and there is no requirement to repay unspent money.


On the tax deductibility of volunteer expenses, a volunteer may be entitled to claim expenses incurred in gaining or producing assessable income – except where the expenses are of a capital, private or domestic nature.

For instance, expenditure on items such as travel, uniforms or safety equipment could be deductible, but expenses incurred for private and income-producing purposes must be apportioned – with only the income-producing portion of the expense being tax deductible.

Example 6

Q. Robert operates a commercial fishing trawler and uses navigational charts in his business.He also volunteers as an unpaid training officer at the volunteer coastguard. Robert purchases two identical sets of navigational charts – one for his business, the other as a training aid in coastguard courses.

A. Yes, Robert can claim the part incurred in gaining or producing assessable income – in this case, half the total cost.


It is also common for volunteers to donate money, goods and time to not-for-profit organisations. To be tax deductible, a gift must comply with relevant gift conditions, and:

■ be made voluntarily
■ be made to a deductible gift recipient, and
■ be in the form of money ($2 or more) or certain types of property.

Donors can claim deductions for most, but not all, gifts they make to registered deductible gift recipients. For instance, a gift of a service, including a volunteer’s time, is not deductible as no money or property is transferred to the deductible gift recipient.

However, individuals may be entitled to a tax deduction for contributions made at fundraising events, including dinners and charity auctions.

Example 7

Mila buys a clock at a charity auction for $200. This is not a gift even if Mila has paid a lot more than the value of the clock. Payments that are not gifts include those to school building funds as an alternative to an increase in school fees and purchases of raffle or art union tickets, chocolates and pens.

Example 8

Clive receives a lapel badge for his donation to a deductible gift recipient. As the lapel badge is not a material benefit or an advantage, the donation is a gift.

Consult this office for more information on which volunteer payments are considered assessable income and which expenses are typically tax deductible.


Collectables – and inherited jewellery


Capital gains tax does not just apply to “big ticket” items such as real estate, farms and shareholdings. It also applies to a special class of assets known as “personal use assets” and, in particular, those personal use assets known as “collectibles”.

“Collectables” are specifically defined under the tax law to mean the following items that are “used or kept mainly for your personal use or enjoyment”:

■ artwork, jewellery, an antique, or a coin or medallion; or
■ a rare folio, manuscript or book; or
■ a postage stamp or first day cover.

However, for an asset to be a collectable, it must have cost more than $500. Otherwise, collectables acquired for $500 or less are exempt from CGT (but subject to important rules to get around or avoid this threshold test).

However, the most important rule about a collectable is that if you make a capital loss on selling or disposing of a collectable, that capital loss can only be offset against capital gains from other collectibles.

It cannot be offset against the capital gain from, say, shares or real estate, and nor can it be offset against your other income.

Furthermore, that jewellery you inherit from your mother will retain its “character” as a collectable (if it was acquired by her after 20 September 1985). So, this too is something to be aware of.

Personal use assets

As for “personal use assets” per se (ie assets used for personal use or enjoyment which are not “collectables” – such as furniture, clothing, pianos etc) they are only subject to CGT if they cost more than $10,000. More importantly, however, is that you cannot claim a capital loss made on a personal use asset.

But is it a business?

Finally, of course, it is often the case that a person who owns such collectibles does so for the purpose of trading in them. In this case, the CGT rules take a backseat to the fact that the profit from such activities is assessable in the same way as ordinary income, as if you were operating a business.

If you find yourself dealing with such items, it is necessary to get good tax advice on the matter.


Using super to pay the mortgage

Have you reached preservation age and still have a mortgage? If so, you may be able to use your super to deal with your rising mortgage repayments if you meet certain conditions.



The constant increase to interest rates over the last two years have left some borrowers strapped for cash. Fortunately, those that have reached preservation age can access their superannuation via a special type of pension, known as a transition to retirement (TTR) pension, even if they haven’t retired.

What is preservation age?

Your preservation age is the earliest age you can access your superannuation. The preservation age that applies to you depends on your date of birth and ranges from age 55 to 60, as shown in the table below.

Alternatively, you will also reach preservation age when you reach age 65, even if you are still working.

What is a TTR pension?

A TTR pension allows you to supplement your income by allowing you to access some of your superannuation once you’ve reached your preservation age. You can start a TTR pension by transferring some of your superannuation to an account-based pension (ABP), which is a regular income stream bought with money from your superannuation fund.

Once you start a TTR pension, you need to withdraw payments between a minimum and maximum range each year. The minimum drawdown rate depends on your age and is 4% for those under 65 years old. The maximum amount you can withdraw is 10% of your account balance as at 1 July of each financial year (or 10% of the value from the date your TTR pension started in that financial year). This means you can choose pension payments anywhere between your minimum and maximum payment limit each year.

But note that a TTR pension does not allow you to withdraw your superannuation as a lump sum. This can generally only be done once you’ve reached your preservation age and met certain conditions of release, such as retirement.


Justine is 60 years old and has $650,000 in superannuation. Justine’s adviser recommends she commences a TTR pension with $600,000 to help ease her financial difficulties. Justine must draw a minimum of $24,000 (ie, 4% x $600,000) or up to a maximum of $60,000 (ie, 10% x $600,000) in pension payments in the 2023-24 financial year.

Justine can use the additional TTR pension payments to help supplement her employment income and meet her mortgage repayments. She could also use a TTR pension as a strategy to pay down her mortgage much quicker than planned even if she could easily afford her repayments.

Factors to consider

■ If you are 55 to 60, the taxable amount of your income from your TTR pension is taxed at your marginal tax rate, less a 15% tax offset.
■ Once you turn 60, your TTR pension payments are all tax free.
■ Any investment earnings generated from your TTR pension are subject to the same maximum 15% tax rate as superannuation accumulation funds.
■ Once you reach age 65 or retire, your TTR pension will automatically convert to an ABP. This means more flexibility as the 10% maximum pension limit will no longer apply.

Need help?

You should seek financial advice before deciding if a TTR pension is right for you as it could help you understand the possible benefits and implications for your particular circumstances.


If you commence a TTR pension halfway through the year, the minimum payment percentage is pro-rated to reflect the number of days the pension is in place in that first financial year. The minimum will be recalculated at 1 July based on your TTR pension balance and your age at that time to factor in a whole year’s worth of pension payments.


Returning to work after retirement

Most people look forward to retirement as it is a chance to finally take time to relax, enjoy life and do things they never had time for when they were working. But sometimes things change and some people feel the urge to return to work. If a return to work is inevitable, it is important to understand the superannuation retirement rules when it comes to working and accessing your superannuation.


Many new retirees find that after a few months the novelty of being on ‘permanent vacation’ starts to wear off. Some people may miss their sense of identity, meaning, and purpose that came with their job, the daily structure it brought to their days, or the social aspect of having co-workers.

In fact, figures from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) have revealed financial necessity and boredom are the most common factors prompting retirees back into full or part-time employment1. As such, it is not uncommon to want to return to work after retirement, even if only on a part-time or casual basis. Whatever your reasons or motivations might be, there are a range of factors to consider if you wish to return to work depending on your age.

There are three ways in which you can retire, access your superannuation and then return to work, which are summarised below.

1. Retire on or after reaching preservation age

Individuals can retire after reaching their preservation age2, ending gainful employment and declaring that they intend never to return to any ‘gainful employment’ for 10 hours or more each week.

It is illegal to access your superannuation with a false declaration of intention so your intention to retire must be genuine at the time. This is why your superannuation fund may require you to sign a declaration stating your intent.

That said, you can return to work while still accessing your superannuation as long as your intention to retire at the specific time was genuine and that you didn’t plan to return to work all along. Your intentions are allowed to change even though you may have retired and have already accessed your superannuation or are receiving age pension payments.

2. Ceasing an employment arrangement after age 60

From age 60, you can stop an employment arrangement (ie, resign from a job) and obtain full access to your superannuation without having to make any declaration about your retirement or future employment intentions.

If you are in this situation, you can return to work without any issues because there was no requirement for you to declare your retirement permanently. For example, you could resign from a job with one employer and start work with a different employer and access your superannuation.

3. Retire after age 65 or older 

Once you turn age 65, you can access your superannuation regardless of your work status and do not need to make any declaration about your retirement status. You only need to be retired if you want to access your superannuation before you turn age 65.

Whether you are accessing your superannuation or not, you can return to work at any time.

Your super after returning to work Regardless of what age category you fall into, you may have taken your superannuation as a lump sum, income stream or a combination of both. If your circumstances change and you return to work, any amounts in your superannuation fund, including any pension payments you may be receiving will remain accessible and can continue to be paid.

However upon recommencing any future employment, any future superannuation contributions and earnings from subsequent employment and any voluntary contributions will remain preserved until a further condition of release is met, such as retirement or reaching age 65.

Impact on age pension

If you are receiving the age pension and decide to return to work, your employment income will count towards Centrelink’s income test which may impact your age pension entitlements.

Having said that, Centrelink has a ‘Work Bonus’ scheme which reduces the amount of your employment income, or eligible self employment income, which Centrelink applies to your rate of age pension entitlement under the income test.

Fortunately, you don’t need to apply for the Work Bonus, rather Centrelink will apply the Work Bonus to your eligible income if you meet all the eligibility requirements. All you need to do is declare your income.

If your intentions or circumstances have changed and you have decided that you would like to return to work, contact us if for a chat about your options.



Click to view Glance Consultant’s February newsletter via PDF




1 ABS – Retirement and Retirement Intentions, Australia, released 29/8/2023
2 Refer to ‘Using super to pay the mortgage’ article for more information on preservation age


How to manage cash flow against increasing interest rates


Navigating Cash Flow Amid Rising Interest Rates

For businesses, staying vigilant about fluctuating interest rates is crucial for financial stability and longevity.

As a business owner, you’re well aware of how changes in interest rates can impact various aspects of your operations. From loan repayments to consumer spending habits, the ripple effects can be significant. If you find yourself grappling with cash flow challenges during periods of high interest rates, here are some actionable tips to help you weather the storm.

  • Build a Financial Safety Net

During periods of increased financial performance,, proactively set aside funds in a separate account to serve as a financial buffer. This ensures that you have a safety net to fall back on when revenue streams fluctuate. Consult with financial experts, like our team of chartered accountants, to determine the best approach for your business.

  • Tackle High-Interest Debt Head-On

Prioritize paying off debts with high-interest rates to minimize overall interest expenses. Whether it’s overdrafts, mortgage payments, or tax obligations, allocating extra funds towards these payments can save you money in the long run. Stay proactive with your tax planning to avoid accruing additional debt with authorities like the Australian Taxation Office.

  • Conduct a Comprehensive Spending Audit

Review your business expenditure meticulously to identify areas where costs can be trimmed. Whether it’s excess inventory or unnecessary overheads, optimizing your spending can free up much-needed capital. Consider outsourcing non-core functions to reduce operational expenses.

  • Negotiate Favorable Payment Terms

Explore opportunities to renegotiate payment terms with suppliers and vendors to better align with your cash flow cycles. This can help alleviate short-term financial strain and improve your overall liquidity position.

  • Seek Professional Guidance

Partnering with experienced accountants like Glance Consultants, can provide invaluable insights and support in managing cash flow effectively. Our expertise can help you navigate complex financial landscapes and make informed decisions for the future of your business.

In conclusion, navigating cash flow challenges amidst rising interest rates requires proactive planning and strategic financial management. By implementing these tips and leveraging expert guidance, you can steer your business towards financial resilience and success.

Five tips for Managing Your Business’s GST Obligations in Australia


Strategies for Efficiently Handling GST Responsibilities in Your Business


Businesses include the goods and services tax (GST) in their pricing, passing on the amount due to the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) to consumers within the purchase price of products or services.

Timely submission of the accumulated GST to the ATO at each deadline is crucial to avoid ATO penalties for cashflow management purposes. Implementing effective planning and saving measures is key to ensuring sufficient funds are maintained to cover GST liabilities. Explore our essential advice for GST management below.


Understanding GST Obligations

Businesses are subject to GST if their annual sales exceed $75,000.

Existing entities are required to register for GST within 21 days after surpassing this threshold, whereas new ventures should do so if they anticipate reaching this volume within their first year of operation. An Australian Business Number (ABN) is a prerequisite for registration.

Typically, businesses with annual sales between $75,000 and $20 million must file their business activity statements (BAS) and remit GST by the 28th day following each quarter’s end.

Businesses voluntarily registering for GST with earnings below the threshold may opt for annual lodgement and payment cycles, whereas those with revenues exceeding $20 million are obligated to pay monthly.


Effective GST Management Strategies

Enhance your approach to GST with these five strategies:


Accurate GST Recording

  • Ensure the GST for each transaction is recorded in your accounting system promptly and on your BAS. Employing a bookkeeper can simplify this process and mitigate the risk of penalties.

Maintain every invoice, clearly noting the GST, to prevent overpayment when filing your BAS.


Adopt Advanced Accounting Solutions

  • Utilize contemporary accounting platforms, such as Xero, for an intuitive approach to managing invoices. These systems calculate your GST obligations automatically and can alert you to tax liabilities in real-time.

Some software options offer direct ATO integration, facilitating reminders for deadlines and secure GST submissions.


Leverage GST Credits

  • Understand that GST credits, or input tax credits, can be claimed for GST paid on business-related purchases, with a claim period extending four years post-purchase.

This mechanism ensures you’re not taxed twice on business expenses. For example, purchasing stationery worth $11, including $1 GST, entitles you to a $1 credit.


Incorporate GST in Invoicing

  • With a standard 10% GST on most items in Australia, it’s vital to include this in the pricing of your goods or services.

Segregating this ‘’GST’’ income helps prepare for quarterly tax payments, avoiding the need to dip into other financial reserves.


Engage a Professional Accounting Firm

  • Consider engaging an external accountant to reduce the costs associated with an in-house team while ensuring compliance with tax regulations.

Glance Consultants provides a wide variety of accounting and taxation services, from forward planning to optimizing savings on an annual and quarterly basis. Contact us to learn how we can support your business’s financial health today.


The Tax Implications of Crowdfunding in Australia


Crowdfunding involves a team of people raising funds online to finance a new project or business concept. The money comes from a large pool of people who believe in the cause–these may be investors, everyday individuals, or sponsors.

As it’s a means of generating income–whether it’s hundreds or thousands–the Australian Taxation Office imposes several tax implications that could impact profits businesses and individual contributors receive.

Read on as we outline applicable taxes, share model-specific obligations, and highlight where GST applies. 


Which Taxes Apply to Crowdfunding? 

You must declare profits generated through crowdfunding on your individual tax return. Your position in the project could impact what you pay:

  • Promoter: Profits or funds generated while using crowdfunding as an employee, taking profits for your own gain, carrying on a business, or entering the scheme as a profit-maker become assessable income.
  • Intermediaries: The ATO may assess income generated from a charged flat fee or take commission taken from the total funds raised in exchange for offering a platform for projects to promote their cause.
  • Contributors: If you invest in a crowdfunding initiative and receive a financial return, you could become income tax-liable

Fundamentally, the intention to make a profit or profits earned generally becomes assessable, especially if you’re carrying on a business. 

Even if you haven’t launched a business, performing commercial activities like drafting a business plan or marketing a product can be deemed “carrying on a business.” Here, income tax can apply.

Contact a business advisor for guidance on navigating taxes.


4 Types of Crowdfunding

Specific tax obligations may vary depending on the type of crowdfunding you perform. Here’s an overview: 

  • Donation-based crowdfunding: Funds are typically voluntary, so promoters may not be tax liable provided the money complies with the payment terms. 
  • Reward-based crowdfunding: Goods and services tax (GST) may apply when promoters reward contributors with financial returns, a product, or a service, as it’s like a business transaction.
  • Equity-based crowdfunding: Contributors who receive dividends for investing in this model might become tax-liable. Here the tax doesn’t typically implicate promoters, as investments aren’t considered profits. 
  • Debt-based crowdfunding: Promoters’ income isn’t assessable when contributors lend funds. The interest taken by contributors could then become tax-liable. 


Can You Claim Income Tax Deductions? 

Depending on your individual circumstances, models, and position, you could receive income tax deductions for any costs relating to business expenses. You must have substantial evidence proving that payments are eligible for deductions.  

If you’re carrying on a business and liable for income tax, including through profits generated by crowdfunding, you could claim the following:

  • Operational expenses
  • Depreciating assets
  • Start-up expenses
  • Motor-vehicle costs
  • Travel expenses


Stay Updated with Ongoing Guidance

Crowdfunding is an ever-changing sector that a rapidly increasing number of people use. As such, the ATO pledges to update its guidance based on advancements shown across all models. 

Get in touch with Glance Consultants for unparalleled advice on complying with current tax obligations.

Effective Tax Planning Strategies for High Net Worth Individuals in Australia


Managing substantial wealth and assets in Australia comes with the responsibility of effective tax planning. High-net-worth individuals often face significant tax liabilities, making it imperative to navigate the complexities of the Australian tax system while remaining fully compliant with the law. In this article, we will discuss four essential tax planning strategies tailored for individuals seeking to minimize their tax liabilities while staying within legal boundaries.


Utilize Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSFs):

A self-managed super fund (SMSF) can be a powerful investment vehicle for high net worth individuals seeking greater control over their retirement investments. To establish an SMSF, individuals must establish a trust deed and register their SMSF with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). Unlike traditional superannuation funds, SMSFs empower you and up to five other members to oversee your investment decisions, potentially reducing administrative and investment fees.

One of the key advantages of SMSFs is the ability to diversify investments across various asset classes, including shares, cash, fine art, foreign shares, managed funds, and property. SMSFs also offer favorable tax benefits, with a standard tax rate of 15% or lower, provided all compliance requirements are met. Investments made within an SMSF, such as property and equipment, can result in reduced tax liabilities.

It is crucial to note that establishing and managing an SMSF can be complex. Seeking professional business advisory support is highly recommended to ensure full compliance with current legislation.

Even if you did not have an SMSF, you can potentially maximise your deductible superannuation contributions for the year and claim such contributions as a tax deduction. Various factors need to be considered prior to making such contributions and tax planning is essential.


Engage in Negatively Geared Investments:

Negative gearing is a strategy where individuals borrow money to invest in assets, such as property, with the goal of generating long-term wealth through asset appreciation rather than immediate returns. In this approach, the total deductible costs, including interest costs, depreciation and property maintenance costs, exceed the rental income received.

The tax advantage of negative gearing lies in the fact that it can lower your assessable income. The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) taxes individuals on the reduced income after deducting expenses, which can lead to reduced tax liabilities.


Implement Debt Recycling:

Debt recycling is a more advanced strategy that involves repaying one debt (e.g., a student or mortgage loan) by investing funds obtained from the equity of another loaned asset. While this strategy carries higher risk, meticulous execution can unlock substantial equity for further investments.

By investing equity from an existing asset, such as your home or a vehicle, into income-producing assets like rental properties, you can reduce your tax liability. Interest incurred on the loan taken against your equity to invest in an income bearing asset can be deductible, further lowering your overall assessable income.


Explore Shares for Franking Credits:

Investing in shares of companies that pay taxes on their profits can provide access to franking credits with dividend distributions. Franking credits can assist in in reducing your overall tax liability as you will be required to only pay the differential tax between your marginal tax rate and the company tax rate.

In some instances, accumulating franking credits through diversified investments may even lead to an overpayment of tax, potentially resulting in a tax refund.

Effective tax planning is essential for high net worth individuals in Australia to minimize tax liabilities while adhering to legal requirements. These tax planning strategies, when employed carefully, can significantly reduce tax burdens and enhance wealth accumulation. However, due to the complexities involved, it is strongly advised to seek professional guidance and personalized tax planning services to maximize tax savings and ensure compliance with current tax laws. To get started on optimizing your tax strategy, please contact us for our tailored individual taxation services, offering expert advice, meticulous planning, and preparation of tax lodgments that consider your unique financial situation.


Glance Consultants November 2023 Newsletter

Who can I nominate as my super beneficiary?

Your superannuation death benefits must be paid to someone when you die. That somebody will usually be your estate or your nominated beneficiary (also known as your dependants).

Paying death benefits to your estate

Unlike other assets such as shares and property, your superannuation and any insurance benefits you have in superannuation do not form part of your estate.

That’s because your superannuation is not held by you personally, rather it is held in trust for you by the trustee of your superannuation fund.

However, you can direct your superannuation death benefit to your estate by nominating your ‘legal personal representative’ (LPR), who will usually be the executor of your estate. If you nominate your estate or LPR, you must also specify in your Will who you want to distribute your superannuation money to.

This can include eligible beneficiaries (see below) as well as anyone else you wish to leave your death benefits to.

As such, it’s important that the directions stated in your Will are up to date so your LPR pays out your death benefits (as well as your other estate assets) as per your wishes.

Paying death benefits to a beneficiary/dependant

If you want your superannuation death benefits to be paid to a person, that person must be a ‘dependant’ for super purposes.

The meaning of dependant is important as it determines who can receive a death benefit, whether the death benefit will be taxed and in what form your death benefit can be paid out (ie, lump sum, income stream, etc).

In particular, superannuation law determines who can receive your super directly from your super fund without having to go through your estate. These people are your superannuation dependants.

Tax law on the other hand determines who pays tax on your superannuation death benefit.

These people are considered tax dependants.

The table below summarises the difference between:

■ a superannuation dependant and tax law dependant, and
■ the types of death benefit that can be paid to each category of dependants.

As can be seen, the key differences between the superannuation and tax dependant definitions are:

■ a tax dependant does not include an adult child (whereas a super dependant does), and
■ a tax dependant includes a former spouse (whereas a super dependant does not).

Although your financially- independent adult children are your superannuation dependants and can receive a death benefit directly from your superannuation fund, they are not tax dependants. This means they will not receive more favourable tax treatment than a tax dependant would receive unless they qualify under an ‘interdependency relationship’ or are financially dependent on you.

A tax dependant will generally not pay any tax on superannuation death benefits. In contrast, a non-tax dependant is taxed on any taxable components of a superannuation death benefit.

This could be up to 15% tax plus Medicare levy on any taxable component and potentially up to 30% plus Medicare levy for any taxable untaxed elements within your fund.

Need help?

Please contact us if you would like further information about who you can nominate to receive your superannuation death benefits.

Definition of a dependant 


Who is a resident for tax purposes?

A person’s residency for tax purposes can be one of the most difficult issues to determine in Australian tax law. And it is not just a question of whether a person is a ‘citizen’ of Australia.

Moreover, it is highly relevant from a tax point of view, as a person who is a resident of Australia for tax purposes is liable for tax in Australia on their income from ‘all sources’ (ie, both from Australia and overseas) – including capital gains. On the other hand, a person who is not a resident of Australia for tax purposes is only liable for tax in Australia on income and capital gains that are considered ‘sourced’ in Australia.

A recent decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) illustrates some of the issues involved in determining this complex matter (see PQBZ v FCT [2023] AATA 2984). In that case, the AAT found that the taxpayer was a resident of Australia for tax purposes under the ‘ordinarily resides’ test or principle – without having to consider the ‘subsidiary’ tests which involve, for example, questions of the person’s ‘domicile’ and whether they intended to take up residency in Australia. Significant to the AAT’s decision was that, apart from his business interests in an overseas country and the unit he lived in there to carry on that business, all of the taxpayer’s personal (and other) ‘connections’ were otherwise clearly with Australia.

These Australian connections included his family home, his personal and other business assets, where his wife and children lived, Australian bank accounts and his Australian health insurance.

It was also relevant that for the several years in question, the majority of the time he had spent living in Australia.

As a result the taxpayer, as a resident of Australia for tax purposes, was liable to tax in Australia on his overseas business income.

But not all residency issues are apparently as clear-cut as this.

In other cases, it is necessary to consider issues such as whether the taxpayer has been in Australia for half the income year or more and whether they intend to take up residency in Australia.

It may also be necessary to consider the complexities of any ‘double tax agreement’ with the country in question.

And suffice to say, if the issue is relevant to you, not only is the advice of your professional adviser invaluable, it is also essential.


When two bonuses are not enough … Introducing the Energy Incentive!

If you’ve been putting off upgrading the inefficient office air-conditioner, a new 20% bonus deduction might just be the incentive you need to help beat the heat before it arrives with a vengeance!

Whilst the small business Technology Investment Boost has now ceased1, not only can you still take advantage of the Skills and Training Boost (generally for expenditure on training employees incurred before 30 June 2024), but there is also now a new kid in town – the small business Energy Incentive!

Similar in design to the earlier ‘boosts’, the proposed Energy Incentive provides a bonus tax deduction of 20% of expenditure on improving the energy efficiency of your business. Up to $100,000 of expenditure can be eligible for the incentive, with the maximum bonus tax deduction being $20,000 for the 2023-2024 tax year.

What type of expenses are eligible for the bonus? Where you can show improved energy efficiency, expenditure on electrifying heating and cooling systems, upgrading appliances such as fridges and cooktops, and installing batteries, heat pumps and off peak electricity monitors can all be eligible. (As always, there are some exclusions, such as expenditure on motor vehicles, building improvements and financing expenses.)

Although this proposed Energy Incentive is not yet law, it is an opportune time to consider whether your business may want to take advantage of the bonus and undertake the preparation and ‘leg work’ needed to ensure you can maximise the bonus.

If you’re interested in finding out more about either the Skills and Training Boost or the proposed new Energy Incentive, feel free to reach out to us and we can provide the information and guidance needed to make sure your business gets the most out of both incentives (before they end on 30 June 2024!).


Qualifying as an interdependent or financial dependant

A question that often gets asked when dealing with death benefit nominations is whether a person will qualify under the interdependency or financial dependency definitions. This is an important consideration as meeting the dependency criteria will enable potential beneficiaries to qualify as a dependant and therefore allow them to receive a death benefit.


Put simply, an interdependency relationship exists between two people if all of the following conditions are met:

1. They have a close personal relationship
2. They live together
3. One or both provides the other with financial support
4. One or both provides the other with domestic support and personal care.

However, if two people satisfy the close personal relationship requirement but cannot satisfy the other three requirements, they can still satisfy the interdependency relationship if:

■ Either or both of them suffer from a physical, intellectual or psychiatric disability, or
■ They are temporarily living apart (eg, overseas or in jail).

There is no easy way in determining whether an interdependent relationship exists, however superannuation law provides the following list of considerations to help superannuation fund trustees determine if an interdependency relationship exists (or existed before one of the parties died):

■ Duration of relationship
■ Whether or not a sexual relationship exists
■ Ownership, use and acquisition of property
■ Degree of mutual commitment to a shared life
■ Care and support of children
■ Reputation and public aspects of the relationship
■ Degree of emotional support
■ Extent to which the relationship is one of mere convenience
■ Any evidence suggesting that the parties intend the relationship to be permanent
■ A statutory declaration signed by one of the persons to the effect that the person is or was in an interdependency relationship with the other person.

It is not necessary that each of these factors exists in order for an interdependency relationship to exist.

Instead, each factor is to be given the appropriate weighting depending on the circumstances.


If a beneficiary fails to meet the interdependency relationship criteria, they may qualify as a financial dependant. Being financially dependent on the deceased generally means you relied on them for necessary financial support. This also applies to children over 18 years old as they must be financially dependent on the deceased to be considered a financial dependant.

That said, the term financial dependant is not expressly defined in superannuation or tax legislation, so it takes on the ordinary meaning of that term. As such, the definition of financial dependant is reliant on case law and comes down to the facts of each case.

In most cases, it is not the value of payments received from the member that establishes financial dependency but the degree of dependency on that payment. This includes the extent the person relies on the financial support provided by another person to meet basic living expenses.

For example, a grandparent who chooses to pay school fees for their grandchild is unlikely to have their grandchild qualify as a financial dependant.

This is mainly due to the fact that the payment is seen to be more discretionary in nature than providing for an essential element of life, such as food or shelter.

In summary, superannuation case law provides more flexibility for someone to be partially or wholly dependent, whereas tax dependency takes a stricter approach as a substantial degree of dependency is required.


The conditions for the existence of an interdependency and financial dependency relationship under the law can be complex. If you require further information on this topic, please contact us for a chat.


If you are uncertain whether an interdependency relationship exists (ie, where adult siblings have been living together, or where an adult child has been living with their parents), you can always request a private ruling from the Australian Taxation Office as the definition for interdependency is the same under both superannuation and tax law.


How to nominate a superannuation beneficiary

There are many types of nominations offered by different funds. Knowing which one suits your circumstances is key to ensure your superannuation ends up in the right hands.

Types of nominations

Individuals can direct or influence their superannuation fund trustee as to how they want their death benefits distributed by completing a death benefit nomination form.

Superannuation funds offer a range of death benefit nominations, including:

■ Non-binding death benefit nominations
■ Binding death benefit nominations
■ Non-lapsing binding nominations
■ Reversionary pension nominations, and
■ In the case of an SMSF, executing a trust deed amendment or using one of the above types of nominations.

However not all funds will provide all options to their members, and completion of these forms is best done by the member in conjunction with their adviser and an estate planning lawyer in the first instance.

Non-binding death benefit nomination

This is the most common type of death benefit nomination and is offered by most superannuation funds. A non-binding nomination is an expression of wishes which is not binding on trustees. The trustee of your superannuation fund will look at the nomination you make, but will exercise discretion to determine which of your beneficiaries receives your superannuation and in what proportions.

Binding death benefit nomination

A binding death benefit nomination is a written direction from a member to their superannuation trustee setting out how they wish some or all of their superannuation death benefits to be distributed. The nomination is generally valid for a maximum of three years and lapses if it is not renewed.

If this nomination is valid at the time of your death, the trustee is bound by law to follow it.

Non-lapsing binding death benefit nomination

This is a written direction by a member to their superannuation trustee establishing how they wish some or all of their superannuation death benefits to be distributed. These nominations generally remain in place forever unless you cancel or replace it with a new nomination. If this nomination is valid at the time of your death, the trustee is bound by law to follow it.

Reversionary pension nomination

If you are in receipt of an income stream, you can nominate a beneficiary (usually your spouse) to whom the payments automatically revert upon your death. With this type of death benefit nomination, the fund trustee is required to continue paying the superannuation pension to your beneficiary if your benefit nomination is valid.

SMSFs and death benefit nominations

If you are an SMSF member and want to make a death benefit nomination, it is important to review your fund’s trust deed requirements to determine the rules regarding death benefit nominations. Although the High Court recently ruled in the case of Hill v Zuda Pty Ltd [2022] that traditional three-year lapsing binding death benefit nominations do not apply to SMSFs, many trust deeds expressly include the traditional requirements. If this is the case, they must be complied with, and the nomination will lapse.

What if there is no nomination or an invalid nomination?

If you have not made a nomination, your superannuation fund will have rules for determining the death benefit recipient(s). In many cases, funds will either exercise discretion and follow the same process as if a member had a non-binding nomination, or pay your benefit to your legal personal representative (LPR). The risk with this option is if you don’t have a Will, your benefit may be distributed under the relevant state laws for dealing with intestacy!

Similarly, if your nominated beneficiary does not meet the definition of a superannuation law dependant at the time of your death, the nomination will be deemed invalid. Again, it will come down to your fund’s rules which may determine that your benefit must be paid to your LPR or alternatively that the trustee exercise their discretion.

Check your nomination

Remember to regularly review your superannuation death benefit nominations when your circumstances change to ensure it remains up to date and ends up in the hands of the right person(s).


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How to Claim Work-From-Home Deductions in Australia


In a post-pandemic landscape, over 2 million Australians work from home (WFH) at least once weekly. Although this work environment offers greater flexibility and improves individuals’ work-life balance, workers incur the additional electricity, internet, and home office equipment costs.

So, how do you calculate these deductions?

Keep reading for further details of the WFH deduction method that works best for you.


Which Work-From-Home Deductions Apply?

The ATO permits deductions for the following costs:

  • Mobile data and internet charges
  • Electricity and gas bills
  • Stationary and computer consumables (like ink and paper)
  • Mobile and landline costs
  • Cleaning in dedicated offices only

Depreciating assets, like computers and specialist equipment, are deductible, too. You’d claim the declining value over time.

You could receive an immediate deduction if an asset costs $300 or less. The ATO also includes maintenance and repair fees.

For depreciating assets, you’d need the receipt, a usage log, the date you first used it for work, and an outline declaring how you intend to utilise it. 


Consider the Fixed Rate Method

The fixed rate method enables you to claim selected WFH expenses hourly. As of 2023, the fixed rate method increased to 67 cents per hour–a rise from 52 cents between the 2018–2019 and 2021–2022 fiscal years.

You don’t need a dedicated workspace to use the fixed rate method, so it’s a great option for people living in flats and bungalows. 

The ATO needs evidence of your work patterns, so use timesheets to record your hours from home. Use a logbook to track work-related telephone usage and electricity and gas bills to show you’re not deducting bills for personal use.


Use the Actual Cost Method

The actual cost method enables you to get a more accurate deduction on expenses made for bills and equipment. While this is a useful way to maximise your tax savings, it does incur more detailed record keeping. 

As of 2023, you don’t need a dedicated workspace but can’t deduct indirect expenses. For instance, you couldn’t claim lighting or heating expenses while working in the living room where another tenant was using those utilities.

Records needed for the actual cost method include receipts and invoices and specific details like the amount paid, the date, and the supplier. You’d also need to calculate the percentage of each bill dedicated to work.


Which Costs Aren’t Deductible?

You can’t deduct the following expenses:

  • Personal use of utilities, such as electricity, phone interaction, or computer use
  • Refreshments like tea, coffee, or groceries
  • Other tenants’ use of accepted items

If you use the fixed rate method, you cannot claim another separate deduction. 


Maximise Your Tax Savings with Glance Consultants

Speak to a member of our friendly team if you need advice in determining which method is best for you and your unique working habits. 

We can help you prepare your tax returns with accurate deductible expenses and in the process assisting you in maximizing your tax refund. Contact us to get started.

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